Frequently asked questions

What ATAQ Cash offers

ATAQ Cash offer all the functionalities of a modern cash management system at national and international level. These include: Cash position, trend analysis liquidity forecast, automatic detailed cash flow actual calculation, netting, clearing pooling, financial holding, as well as various simulation and analysis functions.


What ATAQ Risk offers

ATAQ Risk is an integrated system for companies and financial service providers for the processing of front, middle and back office transactions with real-time position representation and risk management (KonTraG, IAS 39, IFRS, ...).


What ATAQ Plan offers

Ataq Plan offers all the functionalities of modern financial and liquidity planning at national and international level, including various simulation and analysis functions are offered in our system. The planning can be done in the respective national currency for each company.


What ATAQ Asset offers

This asset management solution offers all the functionalities of a modern portfolio management system. This includes portfolio structure analysis, performance measurement, presentation against various benchmarks as well as different simulation and analysis functions. The system is designed for various asset classes and all common securities.


What ATAQ eBAM offers

ATAQ eBAM module (electronic Bank Account Management) is managing your bank accounts, powers of attorney and signing authority worldwide. In addition, you can analyze and control your bank costs and also manage all types of cards, such as bank cards, credit cards, fuel cards or key cards.


What ATAQ 2Bank offers

Conduct your payment transactions with all credit institutions automatically, securely and reliably and exchange data securely! Technosis offers you a technologically advanced and flexible software. ATAQ 2Bank is a professional tool to execute and manage payment transactions.


What ATAQ eBooking offers

This system opens up the possibility of automatically processing electronic bank account statements, payment advice notes, treasury postings, etc. on a national and international level, and of displaying this with a parameterisable reporting system.